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Supported housing


Blackpool's participation in the 2020/21 supported housing overview pilot funded by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) has led to a number of revisions in the way the authority manages the provision of supported housing across the town and housing benefit claims.

The review looked at all areas of supported housing, including accommodation, support, rental breakdowns and pathways into and out of accommodation across a number of client groups including young people and adults. 

From the pilot review came a greater understanding of the supported housing market and an overview of the needs for our resident population. We have looked at the market and our needs and compiled the sufficiency and market position statement for Blackpool which is based on current and probable future need across numerous client groups.

New thinking, new process

Blackpool Council has developed a simple, phased, step by step process which providers of new schemes should follow, along with a charter of rights and a set of enquiry and information documents which accommodation providers are required to complete prior to placing tenants in a new housing scheme.  

  • A quality standards self-assessment toolkit for accommodation providers and landlords, to reflect the standards we expect providers of supported housing in Blackpool to attain. The standards are set in 3 levels of quality and Blackpool Council would encourage all its housing providers to seek to attain the best practice level 
  • Charter of rights for tenants which informs them what they should expect from their housing provider, to ensure they are sage, secure and cared for
  • A process for supported housing providers to follow with a dedicated point of contact and a phased system which will guide providers through our new process and procedures which precede the placing of tenants and the submission of housing claims 
  • Template enquiry forms to ensure we have collated the full information required at each phase of the process and are consistent in the format of information requested


Landlords who would like to enquire about opening a supported housing scheme, should in the first instance complete the supported housing set-up enquiry  or email


We want residents of supported housing to have safe, appropriate accommodation which meets their needs.

If you have a concern about supported accommodation you can report this to us.

Further information links


Housing enforcement standards

Housing licences and permits