If you are struggling to pay your business rates or would like to pay this in a way which better suits your financial position then you can put forward an offer of payment:
- Set a payment arrangement via your online business rates account (for new users this will require registration). If your offer meets our requirements then it will be automatically accepted and confirmation will be sent by post
- If you are struggling to pay and think you will be unable to meet our requirements then you are invited to put forward and alternative payment arrangement which will be reviewed by a member of our recovery team. This will however take longer to be processed - we aim to contact you within 10 working days to advise whether your offer has been accepted or if further information is required to support your offer
Next steps
Please note: If your offer is accepted then this will only apply for the duration of your payments and will not carry forward on to any future financial years or future bill periods.
If payments are not maintained then your payment arrangement will be withdrawn and further action will follow without further notice.
Your arrangement will be accepted if:
- The full balance is cleared by 1 March of the financial year in which the debt fell due
- You have not defaulted on a payment arrangement within the last 6 month period
- The first payment is to be made no more than 20 days from today (for monthly payments) or 10 days in the case of fortnightly payments, or 9 days in the case of weekly payments
Ongoing enforcement action
If your case has been passed to an enforcement agent then your offer of payment will not be considered