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If you are running a one-off event which includes licensable activities in premises without a licence - or if the activities or times at which the event is to be carried out are not covered by an existing premises licence - you can apply for a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) under the Licensing Act 2003.

Licensable activities are the supply of alcohol, provision of regulated entertainment (such as music, singing or dancing) and provision of late night refreshment (hot food and hot drink between 11.00pm and 5.00am.)

A TEN cannot be issued for events where more than 499 people are to attend, or where the event lasts more than 168 hours (7 days).

TENs may be applied for up to 15 times a year in respect of any individual premises, to cover a maximum duration of 21 days.

If you hold a personal alcohol licence you can apply for up to 50 TENs a year, otherwise you can apply for up to 5. There must be a minimum of 24 hours between events.

Applications must be submitted at least 10 clear working days before the event can be held (the date of submission and the first date of the event do not count towards the 10 working day period).

A 'late' TEN application can be made between 5 and 9 clear working days before the event. Personal licence holders are limited to 10 'late' TENs per calendar year, non personal licence holders are limited to 2 'late' TENs.

Apply for a Temporary Event Notice

A TEN can only be applied for by an individual (aged 18 or over) and not, for example, by an organisation, club or business. The individual giving the notice is the proposed “premises user”.  Within businesses, clubs or organisations, one individual will therefore need to be identified as the proposed premises user.

Download and complete a Temporary Event Notice application form [PDF 136KB] to submit with the required fee of £21. Please read the guidance notes on the back of the form before submitting your application.

Alternatively you can apply online.

Blackpool Council will acknowledge receipt of the notice by stamping and endorsing a copy of the notice and returning it to the applicant within 5 working days.

Copies of the notice must also be sent to Blackpool Police and to Blackpool Council's environmental protection team who have 3 working days to object if they believe that the event would undermine any of the four licensing objectives. 


Only the police and environmental protection can object to a TEN. A hearing must be held if an objection notice is served in respect of a "standard" TEN. A decision must be made at least 24 hours before the beginning of the event. A counter notice may be issued if it is considered necessary for the promotion of the licensing objectives.

The police or environmental protection may modify the TEN with the consent of the premises user. In such a case an objection notice will be deemed to have been withdrawn.

Counter notices will be issued by the licensing authority if the number of permitted TENs has been exceeded.

Tacit consent

Tacit consent applies. This means that you will be able to act as though your application is granted if you have not heard from us by the end of the target completion period.

Failed application redress

Please contact Blackpool Council in the first instance.

If a counter notice is given in relation to an objection notice the applicant may appeal against the decision. Appeals must be made to the local magistrates' court within 21 days. An appeal may not be brought later than five working days from the day of the planned event.

If a licensing authority decides not to issue a counter notice in relation to an objection notice the police or environmental protection can appeal the decision. Appeals must be made to the local magistrates' court within 21 days. An appeal may not be brought later than five working days from the day of the planned event.


Licensing service

Municipal buildings, Corporation Street, Blackpool, FY1 1NF
Telephone 01253 478572

The licensing service is available to contact by telephone between 10:00am to 2:00pm Monday to Friday or visit in person by appointment only at the licensing desk at Blackpool Council's Customer First Centre on Corporation Street .