The process
Local authorities are required to consult with local residents, landlords and tenants for minimum of 10 weeks on proposals to introduce discretionary licensing (Selective/Additional).
Where a designation has been made to introduce selective and additional licensing, all landlords/managing agents must apply for a licence.
To be granted a license the managing agent/landlord will need to demonstrate they are ‘fit and proper’ and have adequate property management arrangements in place.
There are licensing conditions in place which the landlord/managing agent must be able to demonstrate.
Guidance for landlords is available on drafting anti-social behaviour plans together with an example of an anti-social behaviour plan in the 'related documents' section at the bottom of this page.
A Selective/Additional Licensing scheme designation can be made for a maximum period of 5 years. You must check to see if a licence is required for your property.
It is a criminal offence carrying a maximum fine of £20,000 to rent a property without a licence if it requires one.