The 5 promises
Blackpool’s pledge to our children and young people
As your corporate parents, we want you to know that we will keep you safe, treat you with care and respect, support you to have meaningful relationships, have a good education and support you to be happy, healthy and ready to make your way in the world so you can go on to achieve all your hopes and dreams.
1 Care and respect
We promise to care about you so you feel safe and loved and we will always treat you with respect
- Listen to you
- Keep you safe
- Be honest and open and do the things that we say we will
- Involve you in the decision made about your life
- Talk to you and write about you with care and respect, in a way that you understand
- Return your calls and messages and be there when you need us
- Celebrate your successes and encourage you to dream big
- Never give up on you
2 Your relationships
We promise to build a trusting relationship with you and make sure you see and spend time with the people who are important to you
- Make sure you live with people you like and who care about you
- Make sure you keep in touch with the people who are important to you as long as it’s safe
- Keep working with your family to see if you could return home safely in the future
- Bring you together with your brothers and sisters where possible if you can’t live with them
- Make sure you don’t have lots of changes of people who support you
- Support you to build a network of people around you who you like and trust
- Spend quality time with you so we get to know you really well
- Come and say goodbye if we have to leave
3 Your health
We promise to support you to be happy and healthy
- Make sure you have the right support to meet any health needs you have
- Help you to make and keep friendships
- Provide opportunities to learn new skills, have fun and keep fit and healthy
- Arrange your health check with you
- Make sure you understand the reasons why you’re in our care
- Make sure you know your health history when you turn 18
- Make sure you know your family’s history in a way that you understand
4 Your education
We promise to care about your education and give you every opportunity to learn and achieve
- Make sure you attend a nursery/school/college where you are happy
- Try our best not to move your school unless it really isn't working for you
- Help you to achieve your goals in education and your career path
- Make sure you get the right support around your learning
- Make sure you don’t get taken out of your lessons just because we need to see you
- Give you opportunities to have meaningful work experience
- Provide opportunities to learn new things and take part in after school activities
- Support you to gain work with the council if it’s right for you
5 Your future
We promise to help prepare you for the future and support you to fulfil your hopes and dreams
- Support you to learn life skills so that you can be independent in the future
- Help you to find a good home when it’s time for you to live independently
- Ensure you know how much money you’re entitled to and learn how to manage it
- Support you to stay with the people you live with at 18 if it’s what you both want
- Continue to support you on your journey into education, training or work
- Listen to your feedback so you have a voice in how our services continue to develop
- Make sure you understand your rights as a child/young adult who has experienced care
- Keep the door open so you can come back if you need us