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Communication offer for parents - pregnancy until school age
Last Modified March 07, 2024
All children and young people are entitled to
- Support from health visitors or early years setting in understanding why communication skills are so important and an understanding of your role in developing your child’s communication skills
- Access to key messages promoting positive interaction from health visitors, early years settings and family groups
- Information about websites promoting the development of speech, language and communication including:
- Access to a health visitor
- Access to communication focused groups in family hubs, parks and libraries
- NHS telephone advice service short appointments
- Access to a GP
- Access to a health visitor or early years setting who can refer to speech and language therapy
Some children and young people may need
- Access to specialist practitioners for speech, language and communication via post WellComm Triage Panel for child development where criteria is met
- Access to Hanen programmes for parents following WellComm (Communicate)
- Access to Video Interaction Guidance (VIG) from specialist practitioners
- Speech and language home visiting service
- Referral to specialist health visitor for Perinatal and Infant Relationship Service (PAIRS)
- Access to an NHS Speech and Language Therapist (SaLT) who will give you advice about how to help your child via a telephone advice service
A few children and young people may need
- Access to a speech and language therapist who will assess your child and give you advice about how to help your child
- Access to Portage Service to develop play and interaction skills
- Access to support for team around the child meeting with the specialist SaLT.
- Access to further information on alternative, augmentative communication (AAC) through ACE Centre
- Access to Makaton signing training
- Access to Early Bird course where criteria is met.
- Access to diagnostic pathways.
- Access to specialist nursing team for child development where criteria is met