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Where to get help and advice

We know that it is not always easy to find the information you need.

If you need more help or support with the local offer or issues relating to SEND here are some local useful contacts. 

School SENCOs

The key responsibilities of the SENCO may include:

  • Overseeing the day-to-day operation of the school’s SEN policy
  • Coordinating provision for children with SEN
  • Liaising with the relevant designated teacher where a looked after pupil has SEN
  • Advising on the graduated approach to providing SEN support

If you aren't sure who you need to contact ask your school or early years setting. 

Blackpool Parent Forum

The parent forum can help build confidence for families who have been coping alone with a disabled child, those who have become socially isolated and need a friendly face to talk to. You can also find them on Facebook. The forum is run by parent volunteers.

Contact: Telephone: 07920 116133

Parent forum website

Blackpool Carers Centre

One of the Top Blackpool Charities, Blackpool Carers Centre provides specialist support, respite and outings for unpaid carers from the age of 5 years and their families. We help carers to create friendships, feel less isolated, strengthen their resilience and make happy memories. Making a Better Life for Carers.                     Our service is often a lifeline for many carers who would otherwise feel isolated and unable to cope.

Blackpool Carers Centre website

Blackpool Council SEN assessment and review team

The team manage the education, health and care plan process including annual reviews. They can also help with matters relating to general support including school placements. They can signpost you to other services if you are not sure who you need to ask.

Available weekdays between 9.00am and 5.00pm (4.30pm on Friday)


Telephone: 01253 476602

Blackpool Family Hubs

Blackpool Council's family hubs are a one-stop-shop for a variety of services for children and families locally, giving opportunities to meet new people, access activities and find support.

There are three hubs across Blackpool in the north, central and south of the town, bringing a warm and welcome spaces for families, children and young people aged 0 to 19 or up to 25 with SEND. Family hubs also host the Start for Life offer which focuses on the first 1,001 days of a child’s life which includes services and sessions supporting: 

  • Early language development 
  • Infant-feeding advice and specialist breastfeeding support
  • Parent infant relationships and perinatal mental health
  • Parenting support

Funded by Blackpool BetterStart, the for baby’s sake team deliver an intensive evidence-based programme for expectant parents who want to bring an end to domestic abuse and create the best possible start in life for their baby.

The intervention addresses the cycle of domestic violence and abuse (including the impact of parents’ own childhood experiences of abuse) and seeks to improve mental health and parent-child attachment outcomes.

We also want parents and carers to help shape and design our services and invite parents of children of all ages to join. Each family hub has its own panel that meets monthly. Alongside this, there are timetables of free sessions for families to attend such as:

  • Stay and play sessions
  • Lego club
  • Cost of living roadshows
  • Sensory play
  • Baby weigh-in clinics     


North Family Hub: Dingle Avenue, FY3 7NX
Central Family Hub: Gorton Street, FY1 3JW
South Family Hub: Palatine Leisure Centre, St Anne's Road, FY4 2AP

Contact numbers

North Family Hub - 01253 476480
Central Family Hub - 01253 951190
South Family Hub - 01253 798016

Facebook page

Blackpool local offer

The local offer team can help you using the website, give you information about services or put something right if you find missing or incorrect information. We can also sign post you to other services if you aren't sure who you need to contact.



Blackpool SEND directory

The Blackpool SEND directory gives information about local services, organisations and activities that are available to children with SEND and their families

Aiming higher

Based at their Blackpool Centre, they have a highly qualified staff of family support workers. Their friendly team can help families to work through some of the complex issues that parents with disabled children face. 

If they can't help, they can also sign post you in the right direction.


Telephone: 01253 206448
Aiming Higher website

Blackpool Advocacy Hub

Telephone: 0300 3232100

Blackpool Advocacy Hub website 

Dad Matters

Are you a dad to be or do you have a baby under 2? Have you been wondering how to support your baby's development? Fancy a chat with other dads about being a dad?

Email: or visit the website

NHS designated clinical officer

This is a single point of contact for families seeking health information. They listen to children and young people, families and professionals so that health services offer the right provision to ensure children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are able to reach their goals and achieve their outcomes.

More information


Telephone: 01253 959033

Dads Peer Support Group

The Dad's Place will help dads to be, or dads with children aged 0 to 4. The aim of the group is to give a voice to dads and help dads seek advice on being a dad.

Contact or call 07584 606815

North Family Hub, 31 Dingle Avenue, Blackpool, FY3 7NX

Pre birth meetings, Fridays 4.30 to 5.30pm

Post birth, every other Saturday 10.30 to 11.30am

Central Family Hub, Gorton Street, Blackpool, FY1 3JW

Pre birth meetings, Mondays 1.30 to 2.30pm

Post birth, Monday 4.00 to 5.00pm

Palatine South Family Hub 204 St Anne's Road, Blackpool, FY4 2AP

Pre birth meetings, Thursdays 2.00 to 3.00pm

Post birth, Thursdays 4.00 to 5.00pm

Other council SEND services