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Welcome from head of SEND:
The Blackpool Combined School Support Service consists of the following services working together to improve the outcomes for the children and young people of Blackpool:
- Blackpool SEND support team
- Blackpool physical and sensory team
- Early help
- Educational diversity
- Highfurlong School
- Lotus School
- Park Community Academy
- Virtual School
- Woodlands School
- Private providers
Through our expert teachers and following a graduated response to SEND, with access to special schools services, we aim to deliver outstanding support to schools.
Schools are supported by the graduated approach and the online graduated approach toolkit which enables identification and support for SEND. Blackpool SEND support team will offer guidance schools through the stages highlighted in the Graduated Approach through observations, evidence gathering, assessments and response to intervention.
The service from Blackpool SEND support team is free at point of entry. Schools or families can buy in additional support from our special school services or private providers at any stage.
Charlotte Baron
Vision and values
In Blackpool, we want all children and young people with SEND to live happy healthy lives in a community that is inclusive and that supports them to achieve their ambitions. We believe in providing the best and easily accessible support for schools to deliver excellent education for children and young people in Blackpool.
Following a graduated approach and engagement with the correct stakeholders at each stage, we can support schools.
- Initial observations
Class teacher, support staff
- First concerns 1
Class Teacher, support staff, parents/carers, child or young person
- First concerns 2
Class Teacher, support staff, parents/carers, child or young person
- SEN support 1
SENCo, Class teacher, support staff, parents/carers, child or young person (possible school nursing team)
- SEN support 2
SENCo, Class teacher, support staff, parents/carers, child or young person, external professionals
- Complex
SENCo, Class teacher, support staff, parents/carers, child or young person, external professionals
- Specialist
SENCo, Class teacher, support staff, parents/carers, child or young person, external professionals
Support packages
A support package is bespoke support based on the needs of the individual school. This could be in the form of:
- Observations
- Advice
- Training
- Written reports
- Strategies
- Equipment
Support packages will be devised in consultation with the school. Support from the Blackpool SEND support and physical and sensory team is free.
Support from special schools can be purchased at any point of the graduated approach.
Purchased packages from the special schools are on a daily rate of £600. Full day can also be split over two half days or six hourly sessions.
Blackpool SEND support team
All Blackpool schools have access to an advisory link teacher who meets with school staff to plan their work.
The five advisory link teachers are:
- Colin Ackerley
- Pamela Aspin
- Siobhan Edge
- Ambreen Iqbal
- Abigayle Palmer
The link advisory teachers will support your school with:
- SENCO supervision
- Developing the graduated approach across all areas of SEND
- Supporting the identification of SEND needs in pupils
- Supporting SEND planning of provision and responding to pupil needs
- Supporting the SENCo with SEND action planning, provision mapping, assessments and interventions
- Support with staff meetings and staff training
- Support with identifying common themes around areas of SEND
- Support with priority year groups or classes through observations and recommendations around learning environments.
The team offer support in the following areas of SEND:
- Communication and interaction
- Cognition and learning
- SEMH, including trauma
- Alternative forms of communication (AAC) and assistive technology
This time has also proved to be useful personal support for the SENCO and helps ensure a consistency across Blackpool Schools in relation to a joint understanding of the different areas of SEND and use of assessment to identify needs.
Physical and sensory team
The team is made up of a specialist teacher (QTVI), two qualified teachers of the deaf (QTOD),a sensory needs officer, a VI support worker and a rehabilitation officer for vision impairment (ROVI). The team support children and young people with a physical and/ or sensory need and can identify and advise on resources and environmental adaptations to enhance inclusive practice and quality first teaching. The team can provide direct intervention, or work with teachers and TAs to develop classroom management and independent learning approaches. The specialist team can also complete functional vision and auditory assessments onsite.
The service includes:
- Support for children and young people with a hearing impairment
- Support for families of children and young people with a hearing impairment
- Curriculum adaptations and bespoke teaching methods
- Signing support services for children, young people and adults including training and teaching of BSL
- Support to establish BSL signing clubs in schools
- Support with the management and use of hearing aids
- Braille/tactile learning
- VI accessibility audit of the school environment
- Providing modified work and access to modified books library
- Working alongside NVision and other agencies to complete assessments for technology.
- Access to guide dogs to support with mobility
- Mobility training for pupils with VI in schools in preparation for adulthood
- Person centred assessments for people with sight loss
- Advice and information on equipment, additional services and equipment for adults with a visual impairment.
- Provide rehabilitation for adults with a visual impairment in orientation and mobility as well as independent living skills
- Enabling children and young people with physical disabilities to be educated in mainstream schools wherever possible
- Provide appropriate support for children with physical disabilities, their parents/carers and school staff to achieve successful, inclusive education
- Offer advice and training to help maintain access to a full curriculum
- Assist with all aspects of planning and implementing access for children with limited mobility, including building modifications
- Access to PDNet resources
- Support to interpret other professional’s reports
Blackpool SEND local offer
The Blackpool SEND local offer is now part of the Blackpool Council website.
There are bespoke areas for:
- Professionals
- Parents
- Young people
- Health and wellbeing
For professionals, there are many resources such as:
The SEND events page can support you to signpost parents to events happening within Blackpool to support their family.
Latest events in SEND
Speech and language therapy
NHS and Communicate SLT CIC are the speech and language therapy services contracted by Blackpool Council.
NHS children’s speech and language therapy services
Telephone: 01253 951101
NHS adult’s speech and language therapy services
Telephone: 01253 953873
Communicate SLT CIC
Telephone: 01253 462123
Other providers active in Blackpool
The Speech Bubble
Telephone: 0161 533 0767
The Language Tree
For the Blackpool communication offer for professionals visit the Blackpool local offer ‘Professionals’ area
Communication offer for professionals (
Check out Blackpool classrooms that ommunicate toolkit
Autism Education Trust (AET) training
This 2-hour training session is free to Blackpool school staff.
There will be various dates available for this training.
If you would like to commission this training for free for your whole school contact:
From September 2023 we are offering these additional modules for schools who have received the Making Sense of Autism Module:
- Schools good Autism practice
- Exclusion module
- Understanding anxiety module
Cost: £100 per school for whole school training
(to be eligible schools must have 40% of staff attending including member of SLT plus SENCO)
£20 per person for drop in sessions around specific module held at The Solaris Centre.
Trauma informed care in education
A multi-tiered training package to support staff at all levels and roles:
- Trauma connections and understanding trauma
- ACEs and their living legacy
- Understanding trauma in areas of higher deprivation, such as Blackpool, and why it matters
- The impact that trauma has on brain development and relationships
- Coping strategies and responses
Tier 2: Part 1:
- Behaviours in students, caregivers, and staff when we do not meet their needs
- The difference between shame and embarrassment and the impact that this has on children and young people
- Strategies to use to help reduce the impact of shame
Tier 2: Part 2:
- The use and application of trauma-informed principles in schools
- The role of the physical environment in feeling safe and secure and how this is associated with resilience
- Impact of your role on your wellbeing and mental health and the importance of promoting positive self-care
- The role of the organisation in becoming trauma-informed and supporting staff wellbeing
Tier 3:
- The journey of becoming trauma informed in your organisation
- Core barriers and facilitators to becoming trauma informed and using these approaches in school settings
- Local and National agenda
- School wide policies
The team also offer whole school audits if schools want to create a trauma informed environment, linked to school improvement plans.
This service is free to all workers in Primary, secondary and further education establishments, as well as other services that support schools.
Contact: Jane Mannino
07979 501298
School's early help and resilience team
The schools early ehelp and resilience team sit within the schools standards, safeguarding and inclusion services.
We are a team of 10 resilience practitioners that work across all School's in Blackpool.
Our aim is work alongside schools, promote school attendance and build resilience in young people. Resilience practitioners work as equal partners with young people and their parents/carers to look at social, emotional and mental health difficulties.
Each resilience practitioner has a cluster of schools which they work across and have set days at each one.
They have a link person in each school and through discussions, young people and families are identified for their support.
A request for support form is completed and then the resilience practitioner arranges to meet with the family to gather consent etc. Support is reviewed each half term and new young people then identified.
The team offer the following services:
- 1:1 support for young people where a need is identified
- Transition support – moving on up to high school, college or even to a new school
- Group work on issues identified – e.g friendships, transition – ‘Moving on Up’, internet safety, general resilience / self-esteem and confidence building
- Self-harm intervention (early help) request for support can be made by school, other professionals or self-referral
- Supporting school with early help advice and support
All in turn to promote good attendance, good communication being built between home and school. Sharing of information and offering early help where appropriate. All our support is focused on early help and interventions being offered in turn preventing in some cases further need.
Embedding Resilient Therapy throughout.
We also commissioned to deliver self-harm support to young people aged 10 to 16 years of age. Attached is our pathway and request for support form. This support is for young people who live or go to school in Blackpool.
Occupational therapy
Occupational therapists are professionals who enable children and young people to participate fully in all aspects of life whether these be completing in handwriting activities, playing with their peers, accessing their environment or managing in the classroom and wider school environment.
Occupational therapy input can take the form of support and assessment of individual children, environmental assessments, staff training and development of programmes or blocks of one to one or small group therapy.
Children can be referred to the NHS paediatric occupational therapy service by health visitors, GPs, paediatricians and other consultants.
Children’s Occupational Therapy | Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Early years
We offer a range of early years foundation stage support and continuing professional development for settings working with children in preschools and nurseries, and childminders. For settings registered with Ofsted on the EY register, advice and guidance is available to ensure quality provision with reference to the EYFS statutory framework and Ofsted inspection framework.
Our experienced early years SENCos, support workers and specialist teachers can provide advice, coaching and modelling, support with assessments and inclusive practice to support implementation of duties and responsibilities set out in the EYFS statutory framework, and the SEND code of practice as part of a graduated approach. The service from the early years team is free to Blackpool settings.
Service includes:
- A range of early years foundation stage training and support for settings on the Ofsted early years register
- Intensive support for settings in particular circumstances, for example those who have received a judgement of less than good during an Ofsted early years inspection
- Advice and guidance to ensure quality provision with reference to EYFS and Ofsted EY frameworks and SEND code of practice
- EYFS inclusive practice, provision and safeguarding support, advice and guidance
- Behaviour support advice, guidance, coaching and modelling 0 to 4
- Specialist support to assist with the identification of emerging needs for all educational settings working with children from 0 to 4
- Individual pupil sssessment – focussing on strengths and needs and providing tailored advice and strategies to support settings to meet children’s individual needs and enable progress
- Attendance at team around the child, transition and review meetings (subject to availability)
- Specific guidance, support and access to training and resources in relation to speech, language and communication development and needs
The Virtual School
When a child becomes looked after to Blackpool Council, the authority acts as their corporate parent responsible for their care and support. In Blackpool we call looked after children – Our Children.
The team takes the lead in ensuring that all of Our Children have the best educational opportunities possible and that there is consistency of approach across schools where Our Children attend.
If you imagine that every Our Child from Blackpool attends the same school - this is the Virtual School and the people who support these children are known as Our Children education team.
Our Children education team acts as a local authority champion for children aged 2 to 18 to bring about improvements in the education of Our Children, promoting their educational achievement as if they were in a single school. We work in partnership with schools, social workers and other professionals to ensure that:
- All Our Children have an appropriate school place
- All Our Children have a high quality personal education plan
- All Our Children achieve good outcomes
- The educational achievement of Our Children is promoted and celebrated
Virtual School for Our Children
PO Box 4, Blackpool FY1 1NA, Tel: 01253 477027
Website: Blackpool Virtual School
Pre - recorded training
Free access to pre – recorded training videos are available for staff via the graduated approach toolkit on the Blackpool SEND local offer.
Face to face training
- Cygnet for parents, free
- Autism Education Trust – Making Sense of Autism, free
- Autism Education Trust – additional modules, £100 per school
- Autism Education Trust – additional module drop in sessions, £20 per person
- Makaton Level 1, costs apply
- The use of visuals in the classroom, free
- Supporting communication through colour regulation (for parents and professionals), free
- New to SENCO role, free
- Active Spellings, free
- Colourful Semantics, free
- TA use of the Graduated Approach Toolkit, free
- Relational and Developmental Trauma Awareness in Schools, free
- Recognising and Responding to Sensory Seeking Behaviours in the Classroom, free
- Providing for Emotional Health and Well-being in School (joint delivery with Primary Mental Health Workers), free
- Anxiety in the Classroom, free
- Behaviour is Communication, free
- Recognising and Responding to Sensory Seeking Behaviours (parent course), free
- Dealing with Children’s Anxiety (parent course), free
- Precision Teaching, free
- Basic BSL and deaf awareness, free to council staff
- Deaf friendly teaching strategies that are good for all, free
- Visual awareness training for those supporting people with sight loss, free
- Communications training such as touch typing and telephone keypads, free
SENCO network
The SENCO network is firmly established as a resource providing regular updates, expert advice from guest speakers and interactive discussion to enable SENCOs to develop effective practice. Because the SENCO role is unique within schools, it may feel isolating. Meetings offer the chance to share concerns, get advice on specific issues and identify good practice with colleagues.
The SENCO network meets half termly, alternating between remote and face to face meetings from 3.30pm to 5.00pm on the following dates:
- Thursday 28 September - Blackpool Sixth Form College
- Wednesday 22 November - Teams
- Wednesdays 24 January - The Grange
- Wednesday 13 March - Teams
- Thursday 2May - The Grange
- Wednesday 3 July - Teams
There is a SENCO Network Teams resource folder where all meetings are recorded and resources are shared.
For any queries regarding the SENCO Network contact:
Careers advisory team
Many Blackpool schools buy in Inspira for careers support and support in working towards the Gatsby Benchmarks.
The Enterprise Adviser Network is a national network funded by the Careers & Enterprise Company. In Lancashire it is co-funded by the Lancashire Enterprise Partnership and delivered on its behalf by Inspira.
The network connects schools, academies and colleges with local employers and dynamic careers programme providers. Together they work together to create inspirational and meaningful encounters for young people within the world of work.
Enterprise Adviser Networks
Telephone: 01931711300
Educational Diversity
We are a pupil referral unit and a home, hospital education service in Blackpool. We support young people from ages 6 to 16 who are unable to access mainstream provision due to either social, emotional, behavioural or medical needs.
We have 2 main sites of our provision:
- Pegasus – is where the pupil referral element is delivered and it is situated on Bathurst Avenue. Pegasus supports young people from KS2 to KS4 who have either been permanently excluded from their mainstream school or are at risk of exclusion
- Athena – is where our home and hospital education centre is based and it is situated on Whitegate Drive. Athena supports young people with medical or emotional needs, who are supported through CAMHS and medical practitioners
- On the Athena site we also deliver our alternative programmes in collaboration with external providers
- LINK is based at Athena and is where our short term placement an reintegration provision is based, it aims to make positive behaviour change for young people at risk of exclusion
More information
Highfurlong School support packages
Highfurlong School caters for pupils with complex medical conditions; physical disabilities; profound and multiple learning difficulties (including multi-sensory impairment and visual/hearing impairment); speech, language and communication difficulties; moderate learning difficulties and autistic spectrum disorders and was voted UK School of the Year 2021.
Highfurlong in partnership with Blackpool Council offer expertise with specialist communication aids. We can assess individuals with physical and cognitive disabilities who have complex communication difficulties and may be nonverbal or have unclear speech. We can provide the following support:
- A report with recommendations and advice regarding alternative forms of communication
- Opportunities to trial equipment on a short term basis, to find the most suitable means of communication for the individual
- Support and advice for those who need assistive technology in their educational setting for work output
Costs to be discussed.
Highfurlong also have specialist staff who can advise and provide training in the following areas:
- Curriculum planning and support with adapting learning for pupils with SEND
- Methods of assessment for pupils with SEND
- Support for SEN provisions
- Phonics and early reading for pupils with SEND
- Induction and ongoing support for new SENCo’s
- Adapted PE (MATP) for pupils with physical needs
- Support around writing intimate care policies and procedures
- Elklan speech and language level 2 and level 3 for ages 5 to 16 (there would be a cost involved in this training)
Contact: Nicola Cassidy, Assistant Headteacher
01253 392188
Lotus School
Lotus School is a special school that caters for up to 48 students who have an education, health and care plan for social, emotional and mental health as their primary need.
At Lotus we will help children to; accept their past, build a successful future and feel happy and safe in their present.
At Lotus School we understand that for some children, their journey so far has been difficult, but this can change, and with patience and the right support, every student can thrive and learn.
We know good relationships are vital in helping to build a student’s self – esteem and willingness to learn, and just one ‘champion’ can make a real difference.
Our approach is student centred and they are always at the forefront of everything we do. We build strong and lasting relationships with our families and key adults of all students who join us, as we know how important this is in securing a successful future for the young person.
We believe in looking to the future and showing students that nothing I their past is too great to overcome.
If you would like to have a personal conversation regarding any bespoke SEMH support we may be able to offer or support with please do email Lidia Gardner at:
Park Community Academy support packages
Park Community Academy is a special school in Blackpool catering for children and young people aged from 2 to 19. Our population have a wide range of special educational needs and disabilities including ASC, SLD, CLD, VI, HI and sensory needs.
Our teachers, support staff and family team have a wealth of experience and expertise in supporting pupils with a broad range of SEND. Many of our teachers have advanced qualifications in leadership, ASD, Behaviour, SPLD, Speech, language and communication, HI, Forest School, and behaviour support and we also have a number of advanced Team Teach trainers, SEND reviewers and Pupil Premium reviewers.
PCA established and leads the highly successful Blackpool Sea View Trust School Direct programme, recruiting and training the next generation of Blackpool teachers.
As an all age school we also have a number of subject specialists who are highly skilled at adapting, delivering and assessing their subject to effectively meet the needs of pupils with a broad range of SEND. These subject areas include:
Science, art and design, design technology including food tech, PE, music and drama, maths, English and humanities.
Our highly skilled team of HLTA’s and level 3 SSA's can also work alongside mainstream colleagues to model good practice and coach.
We offer bespoke training packages and support for a number of areas including:
- Accreditation for young people with SEND
- The 4 areas of need
- Early Years SEND
- Sensory needs
- Total communication
- Supporting and inducting new SENCOs
- Working effectively with your support staff
- HI
- Behaviour management/Team teach
- Assessment
- Quality first teaching and learning
- Effective differentiation
- Supporting mental health and wellbeing
Contact: Vicky Heaney Assistant Headteacher / SENDCO Phone: 01253 764130 Email:
Web site:
Woodlands School support packages
All students at Woodlands School have a severe learning difficulty with a high majority of pupils having a diagnosis of autism or present with autistic traits. Many of our students have limited language and communication skills, sensory processing disorders and require a high level of personal care.
We work with schools to design and deliver bespoke training which focusses on enabling their staff to deliver a specific intervention or strategy for students with SEN.
We provide
- Training on the understanding and implementation of Attention Autism, Colourful Semantics, TACPAC, Story Massage, TEACCH, social stories and sensory diets. As well as AAC strategies such as PECS, PODD, communication books, voice output communication aids, ALI boards, Makaton, Intensive interaction and total communication
- Support to develop one page profiles
- Drop in sessions for discussion and problem solving
- In-reach visits to our school for staff to observe lessons and work alongside identified staff on specific areas of SEND
- Support and training in the assessment of student behaviour and subsequent behaviour support plans including a wide range of individualised behaviour strategies
Support is also available through observations, assessments, advice on sensory profiling, support with differentiation and appropriate resources.
Contact: Karen Haworth, Head Teacher:
Post 16 Options
Beaumont College Blackpool Contact
Beaumont College in Blackpool provides a person-centred curriculum to young people with physical and learning disabilities, ages 19 to 25. Your learning plan is person-centred. That means you’re the most important person in this learning process. We will design a range of learning experiences specifically to match what you want.
Blackpool and the Fylde College – Gateway Campus
Gateway is a dedicated campus for young adults (16 to18 year olds). Gateway campus provides a safe, supportive, and aspirational environment offering 'learning programmes', and 'vocational tasters' with access to practical work rooms.
Highfurlong School Post – 16 provision
Highfurlong School has a Key Stage 5 provision focusing on external accreditation, life skills and enterprise curriculum. Contact:
Myerscough College
Myerscough provide a range of foundation learning coursesfor students with additional needs. Their aim is to help students develop a range of skills, social, academic and vocational whilst supporting them to grow in confidence and express their personality.
Park Community Academy Post 16 provision
Park Community Academy now have a Key Stage 5 provision based at the Oracle.
Project SEARCH supported internship programme
DFN Project SEARCH is a one-year transition to work programme for young adults with a learning disability and/or autism spectrum conditions. Here at Blackpool, we facilitate a supported internship programme for young people who have an educational health care plan and are aged between 16 to 24 years old. Interns are supported by job coaches and a tutor to complete three 10-week work placements across the course of an academic year. We collaborate with over 30 organisations in the area across the public, private, and voluntary sectors to create supported employment internships, helping young people to take positive first steps into the world of work and gain key employment skills.
Valley College, The Oracle, Blackpool
We are a specialist post 16 institution for learners aged 18 to 25 with special educational needs
Woodlands School Post 16 provision
Woodlands School has a Key Stage 5 provision focussing on enabling students to develop as much autonomy and self – advocacy as possible and to equip them with the life skills needed to to access supported employment and living. Students follow National Accredited external courses.
Blackpool SENDIASS Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Information, Advice Support Service (IASS) exists to help parents and carers of children who have, or may have, special educational needs and/or disabilities; and children and young people themselves, in matters relating to their Education, Health or Social Care provision.
Support services are tailored to your individual needs and are both personal and confidential.
- Independent information about Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND)
- Advice about working with those involved with you, your child or young person
- Information about local support networks
- Support to arrange mediation and disagreement resolution
- Support with SEND tribunal claims
- Opportunities to improve and shape services through our SEND IAS steering group
Support is available by phone, email, website and face to face meetings. The service is free of charge and independent of Blackpool Council and other partners. This means that they can provide impartial information, advice and support, which will focus on the needs of the child or young person.
We are part of the National Information Advice and Support Service Network (IASSN) which operates throughout the UK.
Telephone: 01253477083
The Sea View Trust
The Sea View Trust is proud to be a community organisation that serves local children and families, currently located across Blackpool and Rossendale. As an outward facing Trust, we remain wholly committed to working in partnerships.
These partnerships are with local authorities, mainstream and special schools, from the maintained, academy and independent sectors, collectively supporting all children across the Blackburn, Blackpool and Lancashire (BBL) sub-region and beyond.
The trust currently incorporates Anchorsholme Primary Academy, Devonshire Primary Academy, Revoe Learning Academy, Park Community Academy, Tor View School and Valley College, with Woodlands School joining the trust in December 2023.
In addition, the Sea View Trust hosts Embrace Teaching School Hub, one of only two teaching school hubs nationally to be led by a special school, a behaviour hub, led by four times outstanding Tor View Special School, and a Behaviour MAT.
In addition to initial teacher training and the provision of NPQs, current services also include:
- SEND reviews
- Pupil Premium review
- Behaviour support through the Behaviour Hubs Programme
- DfE approved high quality teaching train the trainer
- DfE approvedexcellent teaching in special schools
- DfE approved connected leaders – Moving to a sustainable future
Contact: James Pidcock or Katrina Brockbank
Telephone: 01706 214640 Option 4
For more details visit the educational excellence section of the Sea View Trust website
Boundary School – Behaviour outreach and team teach training
Boundary Primary School is proud to offer a wide range of behaviour support interventions for primary, secondary and alternative provisions. Led by an advanced team teach tutor we work closely with your school team to create a bespoke behaviour management system that will seamlessly integrate with your existing provision.
We undertake a pre-visit that allows our accredited advanced team teach tutor to clearly understand your needs and create a personalised training package suitable for your setting. Our tutor will then undertake a post-visit and offer on-going support to ensure you and your team are confident with your new skills and that staff and pupils can work together to achieve success.
Price varies on the level of training required which will be discussed during a pre-visit.
Contact: Danielle Jacques
Telephone: 01253 287250
Options for CYP
The Options for Children and Young People (CYP) service has a range of teams available to support young people with their mental health needs. Telephone: 0800 121 7762
- Option 1 CAMHS
- Option 2 CASHER
- Option 3 YouTherapy
- Option 4 Mental health support team
The service has a single point of access (SPOA). Referrals are screened by a panel of professional practitioners from across the OPTIONS services every single day. Professionals can request a referral form from
Primary mental health workers (PMHWs)
Primary mental health workers are a point of contact within the CAMHS team offering support and advice regarding the emotional well - being of children and young people. They can offer advice on referrals, implement pathways of support, and provide information about other services for children and young people. There are also two primary mental health worker (PMHW) drop ins you can access weekly, without having an appointment.
Children and young people's wellbeing practitioners (CYWP)
This team are community based, across Blackpool. They support with low intensity cognitive behavioural therapy, behavioural activation, exposure therapy and worry management.
SHINE mental health support team
SHINE is the support and help in education team. SHINE accepts self-referrals from children and young people and from their parents and carers. SHINE only supports students, with mild to moderate mental health difficulties through time-limited intervention, where symptoms have been present for less than 12 months. Should presenting needs be unsuitable for low intense therapy, SHINE can offer signposting to other specialist child and adolescent mental health services. SHINE is not an urgent response service. To contact the SHINE team call: 0800 121 7762 (Option 4)
YouTherapy support young people aged 11 to 25 through front line evidence based therapeutic interventions such as counselling to support a young person’s mental health.
Children's psychological service (CPS)
The children's psychological service supports children and young people aged 5 to 16 with complex psychological or emotional difficulties.
CAMHS are the child and adolescent mental health service for Blackpool. They accept referrals for children and young people up to the age of 18 who are experiencing moderate to severe mental health problems. Young people, teachers, health care professionals and youth or social workers can contact CAMHS so they can help you. The service is made up of professionals including consultant child and adolescent psychiatrists, nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, psychologists, counsellors, support staff and an admin team. The service offers a range of assessments and therapeutic interventions including 1:1 work, family therapy and group work. More information is on the CAMHS website. Alternatively you can contact a primary mental health worker (PMHW) for consultation by calling 0800 121 7762, option 1 CAMHS.
CASHER are the child and adolescent support and help enhanced response team. They offer risk assessments to those young people at immediate risk of harm to self. They offer clinics at the hospital and drop ins and groups within the community. You can call CASHER if you feel you need immediate advice and support if your child is a risk. For emergencies such as indigestion of toxic substances call 999 and attend A and E. More information on CASHER.
Early help
The team sits within Family Hubs and provides packages of whole family intervention, utilising the supporting families’ outcomes framework.
Working with a strengths-based approach, the team aims to target early support to families to improve outcomes and prevent escalation to statutory services.
The team work in a tenacious and assertive way, delivering evidence based interventions as part of a plan that is co-produced with the family. The team deliver a number of evidence-based interventions and programmes including Triple P parenting, video interactive guidance and SafeCare, as well as practical support for building positive routines and boundaries and supporting families to positively and consistently access services.
Contactable via Blackpool Family Hubs.
Contact Numbers:
North Hub - 01253 476480
Central Hub - 01253 951190
South Hub - 01253 798016
Facebook Page:
Blackpool Family Hubs
Blackpool Council's Family Hubs are a one-stop-shop for a variety of services for children and families locally, giving opportunities to meet new people, access activities and find support.
There are three hubs across Blackpool in the North, Central and South of the town, bringing a warm and welcome spaces for families, children and young people aged 0 to 19 or up to 25 with SEND. Family Hubs also host the Start for Life offer which focuses on the first 1,001 days of a child’s life which includes services and sessions supporting:
- Early language development
- Infant-feeding advice and specialist breastfeeding support
- Parent infant relationships and perinatal mental health
- Parenting support
Funded by Blackpool BetterStart, the For Baby’s Sake team deliver an intensive evidence-based programme for expectant parents who want to bring an end to domestic abuse and create the best possible start in life for their baby. The intervention addresses the cycle of domestic violence and abuse (including the impact of parents’ own childhood experiences of abuse) and seeks to improve mental health and parent-child attachment outcomes.
We also want parents and carers to help shape and design our services and invite parents of children of all ages to join. Each family hub has its own panel that meets monthly. Alongside this, there are timetables of free sessions for families to attend such as:
- Stay and play sessions
- Lego club
- Cost of living roadshows
- Sensory play
- Baby weigh-in clinics
North Family Hub: Dingle Avenue, FY3 7NX
Central Family Hub: Gorton Street, FY1 3JW
South Family Hub: Palatine Leisure Centre, St Anne's Road, FY4 2AP
Contact numbers:
North Hub - 01253 476480
Central Hub - 01253 951190
South Hub - 01253 798016
Facebook Page:
Blackpool combined school support services contacts
Charlotte Baron (Head of SEND) -
Blackpool SEND support team -
Blackpool physical and sensory team -
Blackpool early years team -
Educational Diversity -
Highfurlong School -
Lotus School -
Park Community Academy -
Woodlands School-