SEND acronyms and what they mean
- SEND – special educational needs and disabilities
- ASD – autistic spectrum disorder
- C and I – communication and interaction
- SEMH – social, emotional and mental health
- C and L – cognition and learning
- VI – visual impairment
- HI – hearing impairment
- CAMHS – children and adults mental health service
- PfA – preparation for adulthood
- YOT – youth offending team
- EOTAS – educated other than at school
- DLA – disability living allowance
- APDR – annual, plan, do, review
- EHCP – education, health and care plan
- NG – naso – gastric
- WRL – work related learning
- Dta – Decision to assess
- DtI – Decision to issue
- MAP – multi – agency panel
- WSoA – written statement of action
- SARP – strategic admissions and resource panel
- DSL - dual sensory loss (also known as Deaf/Blind)
- HOH - hard of hearing
- SU - service user
- CVI - certificate of visual impairment (both children and adult get these when their sight falls below a certain level), but is also used when referring to Cortical Visual Impairment
- SI/PS - sight impaired/partially sighted
- SSI/B - severely sight impaired/blind
- SI/PS - sight impaired/partially sighted
- SSI/B - severely sight impaired/blind
- QTVI - Qualified Teacher of the Visually Impaired
- ROVI - rehabilitiation officer for the visually impaired
- ToD - Teacher of the Deaf
If you can think of any words we've missed, please email