If you have a disability and want to leave home, there are options that could provide you with extra support if you need it.
If you need help to live on your own, you have various options including employing a personal assistant, buying your care from an agency or, if you're eligible, you can get support from the Adult Disability Service.
Financial help if you're disabled: Home and housing
Supported living
Supported living supports disabled people and adults with learning disabilities to live more independently and take control of their lives. The service is provided to those who wish to move into their own homes, and to those who already live in their own homes or individual or shared tenancy.
The supported living service provides people with support to manage day to day living tasks. Support workers provide assistance with personal care, meals, shopping and budgeting, and access to learning, leisure and employment opportunities. Different levels of support are provided depending on each individual's needs, from just an hour a day, to 24 hours a day, to seven days per week support.
Contact Blackpool Council Housing Options email: housing.options@blackpool.gov.uk to discuss your housing needs and help finding and accessing relevant housing schemes in your area that may interest you.