A short break is part of a range of services which supports disabled children and their families.
Short breaks and leisure services for children and young people with disabilities in Blackpool come in a variety of formats and each one can last from just a few hours to a few days and occasionally longer depending on the type of provision and the needs of the children and their families.
Family link
Family link, as part of short breaks, is an in-house short breaks fostering service providing respite care to children and young people.
Family link offers families who have a child with physical or learning disabilities a short break from continuous caring. The scheme also provides opportunities for children with disabilities (0-18 years) to enjoy stimulating experiences by visiting another family and widens their circle of friends.
Independent advice
Help and advice is available to all parents of children who live in Blackpool and are on the special needs register. Parents can contact the parent partnership service via Blackpool Family Information Service on 0800 092 2332.
We are open: Monday to Thursday: 8.45am to 5.00pm, Friday: 8.45am to 4.30pm