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Your money

When you turn 18 you can make a claim for Universal Credit, if you need to.  The amount that you receive will be different for everyone and is based on your individual circumstances. 

Universal credit is a monthly payment made to people who have a low or no income.  You receive one payment per month and it aims to cover your housing and living costs. 

The housing element of Universal Credit in Blackpool is £90. and it is important that you try to find a home that costs no more than this.  The housing element is different depending on where you live.  Speak to your local council to find out what this is or click here Search for Local Housing Allowance rates by postcode or local authority : DirectGov - LHA Rates

Your work coach will support you to make a claim for Universal Credit and your PA will also help and support you.

Setting up home allowance

This is to be spent wisely to ensure that you have everything you need for your first home. Your PA or PT Worker will support you to budget and make good choices.  

There is up to £3000 to help you to do this.

You will need to buy things like:

  • White good (washing machine, fridge etc)
  • Furniture (sofa, bed etc)
  • Curtains and soft furnishing (cushions etc)
  • Decoration (pictures etc) 

Council Tax

We also offer help with your council tax. The amount we support you with changes each year so that you are prepared for managing your bills.

Council Tax is a compulsory charge on properties. The amount you pay is decided by the council. This money is then used to provide you with services like the fire service and police.

Typically, anyone who is over 18 and owns or rents a home has to pay council tax.

We offer help with paying your council tax. We pay a percentage each year to help you and also to prepare you for managing your own bills. This applies wherever you live. A Tax year starts in April and ends in April the following year

  • Tax year in which your 18th birthday falls - We will pay a 85% contribution and you will pay 15%
  • Tax year in which your 19th birthday falls - We will pay a 70% contribution and you will pay 30%
  • Tax year in which your 20th birthday falls - We will pay a 55% contribution and you will pay 45%
  • Tax year in which your 21st birthday falls - We will pay a 30% contribution and you will pay 70%

The contribution will be applied after any existing discounts such as single person- 25% discount, low income 27%, discount if not working etc. Where there is more there one person in the property, you are jointly responsible.

Your PA will offer you lots of help and support to make sure that everything is in place for you…but there are some things that you will need to remember to do. These are:

  • Keep in touch with your personal advisor to plan for your independence
  • Work with the housing services that are there to support you
  • Attend any appointments with the job center and make sure you are on time
  • Stick to your tenancy agreement

Education and training

If you chose to continue with your education when you turn 18 there is support available to you.  

Details of education support available
What Amount How this will be paid
16 to 19 bursary this is for those in full time education or an unpaid training course £40 per week for 30 weeks The college will arrange this with you

If you are not able to claim the 16 to 19 bursary then we will support you with £10 per week and a bus pass. You will need to be in full time education, training course or voluntary activity.

We also support you with the following, to help you in your study. 

Details of other study support available
What Amount How this will be paid
Stationary grant £25 Your PA will take you shopping
Educational visits grant £100 We will pay the visit organiser
Books and other equipment £150 Your PA will take you shopping

Studying at level 2, going into higher education or learning English?

Your PA will help you to choose a laptop to help you on your course This can cost up to £325 - you can only use this once.

If you want to return to education or training between 21 and 25 you could be eligible for a one off grant or ongoing funding to support you in education or training.  Please talk to your PA about this who will help you.


There is a range of support that we offer you where you chose to go on and study at university.  

Details of support available
What Amount How this will be paid
Bursary - this is spread out over the duration of your course and you will receive an annual payment £2000 Direct to your bank account
Living and travel expenses - for the length of your course and 4 weeks after £50 per week  Direct to your bank account
Accommodation - this will cover the cost of Halls of Residence and the local housing allowance of the area you study if you rent in a student house Varied Direct to your bank account or landlord
Graduation £1,000 Direct to your bank account
Post graduate courses £3,500 Direct to your bank account

Driving lessons

You must be 17 or over and have no convictions for driving related offences. We will pay for the following:

  • 1 x provisional license
  • 1 x theory test
  • 5 x driving lessons
  • 1 x practical test

You will need to have been in education, training or employment for 3 months and contribute the cost of an additional 5 lessons yourself.

Being or coming a parent

Healthy Start?

If you’re more than 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under 4, you may be entitled to get help to buy healthy food and milk.

If you’re eligible, you’ll be sent a Healthy Start card with money on it that you can use in some UK shops. We’ll add your benefit onto this card every 4 weeks.

You can use your card to buy:

  • Plain liquid cow’s milk
  • Fresh, frozen, and tinned fruit and vegetables
  • Fresh, dried, and tinned pulses
  • Infant formula milk based on cow’s milk

You can also use your card to collect:

  • Healthy Start vitamins – these support you during pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • vitamin drops for babies and young children – these are suitable from birth to 4 years old


If you’re receiving a qualifying benefit and are pregnant or have parental responsibility for at least one child under the age of 4, you can apply online now for the NHS Healthy Start card (opens in a new tab).

You will receive:

  • £4.25 each week of your pregnancy (from the 10th week of your pregnancy)
  • £8.50 each week for children from birth to 1 year old
  • £4.25 each week for children between 1 and 4 years old

Your money will stop after your child’s 4th birthday, or if you no longer receive benefits.

You can also get free Healthy Start vitamins. These are important to support your pregnacy and if you chose to breast feed. The vitamin drops for you child will also support thier growth and development.

Under 18 and on benefits

If you’re under 18 and more than 10 weeks pregnant, you qualify for Healthy Start until your baby is born. You do not need to receive any of the qualifying benefits or be getting tax credits. To apply, you need to call us on 0300 330 7010 and provide:

  • Your baby’s due date
  • A copy of your birth certificate
  • Your NHS number
  • Your National Insurance number

Find out about call charges (opens in a new tab).

After your baby is born, you will only continue to qualify for Healthy Start if you get the qualifying benefits or tax credits. To make sure you continue to receive Healthy Start vouchers once your baby is born, you should:

  • Call us on 0300 330 7010
  • Apply for Child Tax Credits as soon as you can
  • Inform Universal Credit by updating your online account
  • Reapply online and make a new claim

If you do not do this, your payment will stop 4 weeks after your baby’s due date.

Working Tax Credit

If you, your partner, or your carer get Working Tax Credit (WTC), you do not qualify for Healthy Start unless you’re under 18 and pregnant or you’re only getting the WTC 4 week run-on. WTC run-on is what you receive in the 4 weeks immediately after you have stopped working for 16 hours or more per week.

Unable to register your child’s birth

You should speak to HMRC or DWP to ensure your child is included on your benefit claim so that your payment can be issued.

If you’re on Universal Credit you also need to phone 0300 330 7010 and tell them your baby’s name and date of birth. Without this, your payments may stop and you will need to reapply.

Child care

Check out what support you can get around childcare via the Childcare Choices website

More information about your childcare options

Identification (ID)

Details of ID
What  Amount How this will be paid
Passport - we will pay for one passport this could be your first or a renewal Varied Direct to the passport office
Birth certificate Varied Direct to the registrar
Changing name by deed poll £36 Online payment

Birthdays and religious festivals

Details of payments
What Amount How this will be paid
20th birthday £25 We will buy something you want
21st birthday £100 We will buy something you want
22nd to 24th birthday £25 We will buy something you want
Christmas or your chosen religious festival £25 We will buy you something you want

Luggage to move

We do not want any of our young people to move with the right luggage. We have a number of Mad Lug bags available for you to have, just ask your PA for some. 

In addition there is also £50 available to buy 2 pieces of luggage.


We want to make sure our services are right for you, therefore, we offer an incentive of £10 (voucher) when you get involved in co-production with us.  

Passport to leisure

All young people have access to a passport to leisure.  

The passport to leisure scheme provides free and reduced access to leisure provision for all of our children and young people up to the age of 25 years.

The scheme entitles the individual to free and reduced access to the activities outlined below at the following locations:

  • Palatine Leisure Centre, 207 St Annes Road, Blackpool, FY4 2AP
  • Blackpool Sports Centre, West Park Drive, Blackpool, FY3 9HQ
  • Moor Park Health & Leisure Centre, Bristol Avenue, Blackpool, FY2 0JG

You are able to access the following at these sites:

Free activities:

  • Casual swimming
  • Badminton*
  • Table tennis*
  • Fitness room access
  • Casual rock climbing and bouldering
  • Athletics track

*Free use of badminton and table tennis court, enables the individual to bring a friend to play with for free.

Half price instructor led activities, including:

  • Gymnastics
  • Rock climbing courses
  • Exercise classes
  • Swimming lessons
  • Roller skating
  • Netball coaching
  • Basketball coaching

The range of activities is growing all the time, so the above lists are not all inclusive – check out our website for an up to date list of activities on offer, for all ages. You can also download the Active Blackpool App from your App Store.

Don't live in Blackpool?

Don't worry we will pay for a membership at a council leisure centre in the area you live.