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Keeping you safe - Equipment and adaptations

There are many ways we can help you to be independent in your home. Sometimes it is the simplest piece of equipment which can make the biggest difference. 

Not all services that provide equipment will require an assessment.


Vitaline – Provide a 24/7 emergency service. The support available includes:

  • Emergency alarm with warden service
  • Medication prompts
  • Welfare checks

This service has a wide variety of support which can be tailored to your needs.

Some services require a community care assessment but others can be purchased directly from Vitaline by contacting them direct.

Occupational therapy

Do you have difficulty getting around your home, getting dressed or using your bathroom? You may need to be assessed by an Occupational Therapist.

This service will be able to advise you on the equipment best suited to your needs. You can be referred to this service by either your GP or by adult social care Services

Sensory team

The sensory services team provide services to people who have a sight loss, or who are deaf or hard of hearing, and who live in Blackpool. 

We also provide services for people who have a combined hearing and sight loss. To access this service you will need to contact the adult social care team to arrange an assessment of your needs. If you are deaf you can text us on 07796 994908

Blackpool directory

There are many other local organisations, specialist shops or businesses which may be able to offer support or services, please visit the council's Blackpool directory for further information.  


AskSARA for advice, support and products that make daily living easier.

AskSARA is an award-winning online self-help guide providing expert advice and information on products and equipment for older and disabled people. AskSARA is easy to use. Simply:

  1. Choose which subject you would like help and support with
  2. Answer some questions about yourself and your environment

AskSARA will produce a free personalised report providing:

  • Clear, tailored advice written by experts on ways to help with daily activities and staying independent in your home
  • An impartial list of products and equipment, specific to your needs, with information on where to get them
  • Further help and contacts for more information
  • An option to save your report and share it with family, friends and care workers

For advice and support with equipment for daily living, AskSARA.

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