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Care and repair

Care and Repair is Blackpool’s home improvement agency – working with people of all ages in Blackpool by helping them to live independently in their own homes by keeping them safe, warm and secure.

Our services include:

Minor adaptations

These works are usually priced at under approximately £1,000 and are normally completed within 5 to 10 working days.

These types of work may include wall to floor scaffolding rails with a step adaptation, door threshold alterations, door widening and lowering work surfaces. Referrals are normally received from adult social care and occupational therapists

This service is open to all ages and tenures who are:

  • Chronically sick and disabled persons
  • Owner occupiers, private rented, housing association properties

Certain criteria and eligibility apply

Sanctuary scheme

The scheme provides an essential repairs service to enable victims of domestic abuse to return to or remain living in their own homes.

Referrals can be made by any professional involved with the service user. The service is open to all ages and tenures and is not means tested.

Blackpool Community Equipment Services (CES)

Care and repair work closely with NHS and Blackpool Council adult services commissioners, all Blackpool health professionals, in particular, occupational therapists (OTs).

Assessments are carried out by OTs for both adults and children who have disabilities requiring specialist equipment to help them to live at home and maintain their independence. These assessments and interventions significantly reduce hospital admissions.

We also provide this service to customers who live outside Blackpool but whose GP is based in Blackpool.

Warm and healthy homes project and Gas Safe fund

The warm and healthy homes project launched on 1 December 2021, in partnership with Cadent and Cadent Foundation. Supporting households of all tenures, care and repair's free service will run for two years to help ensure Blackpool residents can save money and stay warm at home.

  • Heating repairs
  • Gas appliance, boiler and pipework repairs and servicing
  • Broken boiler replacement and 1st time central heating installs

To qualify you must be:

  • In receipt of a low household income with minimal savings
  • Or have a member of the household with a long term illness or disability
  • Or Struggle to keep warm at home and it is affecting their health

The project can assist households of all tenures with a range of measures including:

  • Affordable warmth advice and assistance
  • Support to access funding for various other measures
  • Support to access broader health and wellbeing services

More information on the Warm and Healthy Homes Project


For more information about any of these services please contact care and repair

Telephone: 01253 477900 (select option 4, then option 2)
Email: care&