Bolton Street, Blackpool
Opening hours
This car park is open 24 hours
- Cars accepted
- Pay and display
Postcode for satnav
If you are using a satnav to locate this car park please the postcode: FY1 6AA
Parking charges
Charges apply at all times
Payment is by pay and display machines which accept credit/debit cards, coins, contactless- No change given
Bolton Street car park charges
Length of time |
Vehicle type |
Tariff |
Up to 3 hours |
Cars |
£4 |
Up to 6 hours |
Cars |
£7 |
Up to 12 hours |
Cars |
£11 |
Up to 18 hours |
Cars |
£13 |
Up to 24 hours |
Cars |
£16 |
Up to 48 hours |
Cars |
£20 |
Up to 72 hours |
Cars |
£24 |
Up to 96 hours |
Cars |
£28 |
Up to 168 hours |
Cars |
£40 |
Pay by phone code
You can use the PayByPhone app to pay for your stay in this car park, giving you complete control from your own phone. You can download the PayByPhone app from the
App Store or Google Play Store or visit the PayByPhone website.
Once downloaded just enter the correct identification number for your vehicle type.
- Blue badge holders must display a clock beside their badge showing their arrival time to qualify for a 3 hour free concession.
- 17 car spaces
- 3 Blue badges spaces
- No height restriction