The annual tradesman’s parking permit is designed to help small businesses who are often required to park in:
- Residential parking areas
- Pay and display zones
- Limited waiting bays
Permits available
- Business permit - for use by commercial and non-commercial persons/organisations who work on a ‘planned/appointment’ basis, not on emergency response
Parking in these areas will be allowed on display of the permit providing drivers can show they are doing their job.
The offer is available to tradesmen who work on a planned/appointment basis and the permit will only allow parking for a maximum of 3 hours (no return within 3 hours) and be applicable between Monday and Friday 7.00am to 7.00pm.
Any vehicle up to and including those weighing 7.5 tonnes (gross vehicle weight) can apply.
The permit is available at a cost of £110 per year.
Business permit
The business permit is restricted for the use of tradesmen who carry out roles which require them to visit businesses, or the homes of residents or carry out work in areas which have restricted parking, for example residents parking areas.
Change of vehicle registration
Copy all the detail from your current permit onto a note to display in your vehicle. Add the message "returned for change of registration number", and include the date you applied.
Return your permit with a covering letter detailing the new registration number. Also, send an e-mail to advising of the change. A new permit will be posted to you.
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