Blackpool Council as a highway's authority can set speed limits on local roads.
Enforcement of speed limits
Only the police have the powers to enforce speed limits.
The police will decide where and when to enforce speed limits given available resources and priorities.
Setting speed limits
When we set speed limits we ensure they are set in a consistent way that drivers understand and which promote road safety.
Introducing a lower speed limit on its own does not always result in drivers slowing down. Other measures may need to be considered to encourage better driving.
If we are asked to consider introducing a lower speed limit in area we will:
- Carry out an preliminary assessment. If this identifies an issue we then consult council's cabinet member. The will then decide if to proceed with a full speed limit assessment
- Measure existing traffic speeds and carry out a detailed road casualty data analysis
- Compare the existing speeds with the suggested new speed limit
- Consider other traffic calming measures
- Consult with the relevant councillors, the polic, other emergency services and the Highways Consultative Forum
- If it's decided to amend the speed limit, we will advertise details for consultation before making the final decision
If you are worried about speeding in your area you can report it to the Lancashire Road Safety Partnership.
The Lancashire Road Safety Partnership is the coordinating body for Lancashire, Blackburn with Darwen and Blackpool which aims to reduce road casualties through the management of speed, enforcement, engineering, emergency response, driver education and training and through developing collaborative approaches to education, awareness, engagement and other measures.
All the partners are committed to working together to reduce casualties on Lancashire’s roads and make people feel safe.
Speed limit signs
We are unable to install extra speed limit signs on roads as the number and location of these is specified by legislation.