Before restrictions or traffic measures can be introduced Blackpool Council has to publish a notice of proposals.
These are advertised here and in the Blackpool Gazette. These notices allow a period, a minimum of 21 days during which time anyone can make formal written representation to the proposals.
When public notices are required
Public notices are required for measures such as proposed:
- Parking restrictions, excluding bus stop clearway markings
- No right/left/U turns/no overtaking
- Prohibitions of types of traffic, including pedestrians - as well as width, weight and height restrictions
- Road humps
- New speed limits
- One way streets/no entry
- Pedestrian zones
- Crossings - zebra, puffin, toucan
- Bus lanes
Public notices also need to be published for temporary traffic restrictions, for example if a street is being closed to allow planned road works to be carried out or if parking charges are being altered. In these circumstances there is no legal entitlement to object to the proposals.
When public notices aren't required
A public notice is not required for traffic management measures such as build-outs, chicanes, gateways, pedestrian island; pinch points, rumble devices, yellow box junction markings.