Blackpool Council is asking local residents, businesses, landowners and developers to identify potential sites for development, or protection from development, in Blackpool.
Sites submitted will be considered for:
- Allocation/designation in the New Blackpool Local Plan to 2042
- Inclusion in the Blackpool Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessments, which forms part of the local plan evidence base, if housing or economic development uses are proposed
- Inclusion in the council’s Brownfield Register, if housing is proposed on brownfield land
To put a site forward for consideration for inclusion in these documents please complete this form and return it either by email or post, with a plan clearly showing the location of the site and the site boundary.
Please note:
- Sites can be submitted for consideration for any form of future development/use, or protection from development. For example: housing, employment, retail, leisure, health, community uses, open space, sites for gypsies and travellers, sites for travelling showpeople, or a mix of uses. Broad locations for development or other uses will also be considered
- Housing – Please set out the type or types of housing that you consider appropriate for the site. For example, sites could be suitable for market housing, affordable housing, starter homes, housing for older people, custom or self-build housing, student housing, or for a mix of housing types. The Government sets a requirement for councils to produce a brownfield register of sites suitable for housing. Sites on brownfield land will also be considered for inclusion in this register
- Economic development and other uses – employment sites of any size will be considered
- A separate response form must be completed for each site submitted. When completing the form please provide as much information as you are able
- Your suggested site cannot be included if you do not provide a 1:1250 or 1:2500 location plan which clearly identifies the site and its boundaries
- The information provided will be made publicly available. However, personal details, with the exception of your name/organisation, will not be made public
- Putting a site forward does not guarantee that the council will allocate it, or support its development in the future, as all sites will need to be assessed in accordance with relevant planning policies and other considerations
If you have any questions, need help filling in this form, or would prefer a paper copy of the form, please contact the planning strategy team at or telephone 01253 476239.