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The Local Plan needs to be based on robust evidence and an understanding of the characteristics that make up Blackpool and the Fylde Coast.
There are many pieces of evidence covering a range of topics such as housing, retail and employment that are being used to inform the preparation of the emerging Local Plan.
The documents which form the current evidence base listed below:
Addendum to the Housing Topic Paper (2021) (July 2022) [PDF 0.27MB]
Housing Topic Paper (Published January 2021) [PDF 11.67MB]
Space Standards and Accessible Homes Topic Paper (December 2020) [PDF 0.76MB]
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (2019 Update) [PDF 4.24MB]
Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Topic Paper (November 2019) [PDF 0.62MB]
Fylde Coast GTAA Final Report (October 2016) [PDF 0.967MB]*
Analysis of Housing Need in light of the 2012 Sub-National Population Projections - SHMA Addendum (November 2014) [PDF 2.3MB]*
Council Response to SHMA Addendum Report (November 2014) [PDF 0.78MB]
Housing Requirement Technical Paper (June 2014) [PDF 0.59MB]
Blackpool Strategic Housing Land Availability Study (SHLAA) 2013 Update (June 2014) [PDF 10.2MB]*
Towards an Objective Assessment of Housing Need in Blackpool - Analysis of Economic and Housing Forecasts (May 2014) [PDF 1.2MB]*
Fylde Coast Strategic Housing Market Assessment (December 2013) [PDF 5.1MB]*
Employment Land Update 2021 and Blackpool Airport Enterprise Zone Topic paper (February 2022) [PDF 8.10MB]
Potential Foodstore Allocation - Assessment of Impact on Blackpool Town Centre (February 2020) [PDF 3.18MB]*
Retail Topic Paper - Future Capacity (December 2020) [PDF 1.2MB]
Employment Land Update (December 2020) [PDF 2.37MB]
Betting Shops, Adult Gaming Centres and Pawnbrokers Topic Paper (October 2020) [PDF 1.72MB]
Managing the Location of Hot Food Takeaways (December 2020) [PDF 1.27MB]
Local Centres Assessment (April 2019) [PDF 2.81MB]
Blackpool Retail, Leisure and Hotel Study Final Report (June 2018) [PDF 1.2MB]*
Appendices to the Blackpool Retail, Leisure and Hotel Study (June 2018) [PDF 15.9MB]*
Blackpool Employment Land Study (June 2014) [PDF 7.2MB]
Employment Land Technical Paper (June 2014) [PDF 0.2MB]
Lancashire Enterprise Partnership Strategic Economic Plan (March 2014) [PDF 2.1MB]*
Lancashire Enterprise Partnership Growth Plan 2013/14 (April 2013) [PDF 2.3MB]*
Blackpool Local Economy Baseline Study (November 2011) [PDF 2.3MB]*
Fylde Coast Sub-Region Visitor Accommodation Study (August 2009) [PDF 1.89 MB]*
Blackpool Tree Strategy 2021-2031 [PDF 1.80MB]
Blackpool Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Update [PDF 3.02MB]
The Appendices to the SFRA are available on request from the planning strategy team (
Green Infrastructure Topic Paper [PDF 1.47MB]
Blackpool Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy (2019 - 2029) [PDF 21.8MB]
Blackpool's Green and Blue Infrastructure Action Plan (2019 - 2029) [PDF 1.0MB]
Local Greenbelt Review Assessment (November 2019) [PDF 1.70MB]
Blackpool Open Space Assessment (November 2019) [PDF 13.2KB] *
Blackpool Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (November 2014) [PDF 8.2MB]
Blackpool Surface Water Management Plan - Assessment of Options (October 2014) [PDF 7.5MB]
Lancashire and Blackpool Local Flood Risk Management Strategy 2014-2017 (2014 [PDF 3.4MB]*
Fylde Peninsular SUDS Study (Atkins July 2013) [PDF 1.5MB]*
Blackpool Surface Water Management Plan - Modelling Report (March 2013) [PDF 36.6MB]*
Blackpool Surface Water Management Plan - Risk Assessment (March 2013) [PDF 12.6MB]*
Action Plan to Improve Bathing Water Across the Fylde Peninsula (Draft 2013) [PDF 1.3MB]*
Blackpool Nature and Conservation Statement (May 2012) [PDF 5.9MB]
Lancashire Sustainable Energy Study: Blackpool Renewable Energy Potential (April 2011) [PDF 0.77MB]*
Lancashire Sustainable Energy Study: A Technical Report for Lancashire County Council (April 2011) [PDF 1.24MB]*
Central Lancashire and Blackpool Outline Water Cycle Study (April 2011) [PDF 6.9MB]*
Blackpool Climate Change and Renewable Energy Study (February 2010) [PDF 13.4MB]*
M55 Hub Habitats Survey (July 2009) [PDF 0.3MB]*
Built Heritage Strategy for Blackpool 2016-2020 (October 2016)
Blackpool Heritage Characterisation Studies (August 2009) [PDF 48.5MB]*
Blackpool Playing Pitch Strategy (April 2021) [PDF 1.40MB]
Blackpool PPS Updated Assessment Report (July 2019) [1.28MB]
Indoor Sports Facilities Review (December 2020) [PDF 1.03MB]
Blackpool Open Space, Sport, Recreation Audit and Position Statement (November 2014) [PDF 35.8MB]*
Blackpool Playing Pitch Strategy - Draft Update (November 2014) [PDF 9.1MB]*
Local Transport Plan (Implementation Plan 2018 to 2021) [PDF 0.29MB]
Fylde Coast Highways and Transport Masterplan (July 2015) [PDF 6.74MB]*
Marton Moss/M55 Hub Traffic Impact Assessment (July 2011) [PDF 25.9MB]*
Local Transport Plan Strategy (April 2011) [PDF 1.6MB]
Infrastructure Delivery Plan Update (February 2022) [PDF 2.06MB]
Infrastructure Delivery Plan Update (December 2020) [PDF 2.13MB]
Blackpool Local Plan Part 2 - Viability Assessment (July 2020) [PDF 6.35MB]*
Infrastructure and Delivery Plan (November 2014) [PDF 8.8MB]
Blackpool Local Plan and Community Infrastructure Levy Viability Study Report (February 2014) [PDF 7.1MB]*
Marton Moss Characterisation Study (June 2009) [PDF 8.7MB]*
Marton Moss Background Paper (June 2009) [PDF 5.5MB]*
* This document has been produced by a third party and does not meet our accessibility requirements. We are working on producing this in the correct format and hope to have it available in due course.
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