9 September 2022 - Responses received in respect of the Main Modifications consultation have now been added to the library below as item EL5.009. The Inspector is now considering these in the context of progressing his final report and no further evidence should be submitted unless requested.
27 July 2022 - The council is consulting on the Proposed Main Modifications for 6 weeks commencing 27 July and closing at 5.00pm on 7 September 2022. Relevant documents may be found in the EL5 library section below; in particular, please read EL5.001 before making representations and also the comments in the Main Modifications paragraph below.
19 July 2022 - The council has updated the local development scheme schedule to update the position regarding the Core Strategy Review and Local Plan part 2 timetables. This may be viewed via examination library item EL4.005.
30 March 2022 - The Inspector has now issued his post-hearings letter and this may be viewed via library entry EL4.004. The council have acknowledged his comments and are now working on a schedule of proposed modifications which will be subject to consultation in due course. In the meantime, no further comments should be sent to the Inspector unless requested.
23 February 2022 - Following the hearings last December and the Inspector's request for additional information, the council have now produced the following documents:
- Employment Land Update 2021 and Blackpool Airport Enterprise Zone Topic Paper, together with supporting documents;
- Infrastructure Delivery Plan update, dated February 2022
These are now receiving the Inspector's attention and a further update regarding the progress of the examination is expected to be provided in the near future. In the meantime, no submissions or comments should be sent regarding these latest items which are now available via the examination library entries EL4.002a-d and EL4.003.
20 December 2021 - The hearings held between 6 to 9 December have now concluded and no further information should be sent to the Inspector unless requested. The Inspector has requested the council prepare additional evidence relating to employment land supply and delivery over the plan period and exceptional circumstances associated with the Blackpool Airport Enterprise Zone and the proposed Green Belt release. There will now be a short pause in the examination until this work is completed, which is expected by the end of February 2022.
09 December 2021 - The hearings held between 6 to 9 December have now concluded and no further information should be sent to the Inspector unless requested. A further update regarding the progress of the Examination will be provided in the near future via this webpage.
30 November 2021 - Updated hearings agendas for sessions commencing 6 December 2021 have now been added to the Examination library as items EL1.005a-e. Additionally, a current list of participants has also been added at EL1.006.
2 November 2021 - Submissions relating to the inspector's matters, issues and questions have now been added to the EL2 library below and the deadline for such responses has now closed. Similarly, the deadline for participation intentions for the hearings has also now closed. The hearings presently remain scheduled for the week beginning 6 December although interested parties should continue to view this webpage for any late changes to the timetable. The programme officer will provide further details directly to intended participants ahead of the hearings. Anyone who wishes to simply observe the hearings should now promptly advise the programme officer.
22 October 2021 - A statement of common ground has now been agreed between the council and Natural England and this is included in the Examination Library as item EL1.004c. As with items EL1.004a-b, the document relates to question 18 of the inspector's preliminary letter and the council's initial response set out in document EL1.002a.
7 October 2021 - A letter of comfort from Sport England and a Statement of Common Ground (SoCG) between Blackpool Council and Historic England have been added to the webpage library as items EL1.004a-b. The documents relate to Question 18 of the inspector's preliminary letter and the council's initial response set out in document EL1.002a. A SoCG between Blackpool Council and Natural England is also expected to be available shortly.
20 September 2021 - Matters, Issues and Questions and accompanying papers have been circulated to representors in respect of hearings scheduled for 6-10 December 2021. Details are available via library documents EL1.003a-e.
23 August 2021 - The council has responded to the Inspector’s preliminary letter (EL1.001a) and addendum letter (EL1.001b) which has been included in the library below as items EL1.002a to EL1.002f.
26 July 2021 - A further letter EL1.001b has been added in respect of the recently revised NPPF and the council's response on this will be similarly added.
15 July 2021 - The inspector has issued a preliminary letter to the council which has been included in the library below as item EL1.001a. The council's response will be added in due course.
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