Blackpool Local Plan Part 2: Site Allocations and Development Management Policies
Submission - 18 June 2021
On the 18 June 2021, the Local Plan Part 2 and its supporting documents were submitted for independent examination to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government via the Planning Inspectorate.
What happens next?
The Secretary of State appointed Luke Fleming BSc (Hons) MRTPI to undertake an independent examination of the Local Plan Part 2 and to subsequently issue a report with his conclusions.
His task is to establish whether the Local Plan Part 2 is 'sound', taking into consideration representations made during consultation on the Local Plan Part 2 Publication between February and April 2021. He will then report on his findings including advising if changes are needed to make the Local Plan Part 2 sound.
To assist the Inspector, a Programme Officer, Tony Blackburn was also appointed.
Further information is available on our Local Plan Part 2 Examination webpage.
Submission documents
SD001 Blackpool Local Plan Part 2: Site Allocations and Development Management Policies - Publication [PDF 16.0MB]
SD002 Publication Policies map - Blackpool Borough [PDF 10.4MB]
SD003 Publication Policies Map - Blackpool Town Centre [PDF 6.0MB]
SD004 Schedule of Proposed Minor Modifications [PDF 0.7MB]
SD005 Local Plan Part 2 Sustainability Appraisal [PDF 1.97MB]*
SD005a Sustainability Appraisal Appendices [PDF 2.76MB]*
SD006 Habitat Regulations Assessment [PDF 1.51MB]*
SD007 Equality Analysis [PDF 1.39MB]
SD008 Infrastructure and Delivery Plan - Update [PDF 2.13MB]
SD009 - Summary of Representations to the Local Plan Part 2 Publication - Regulation 22 (1) (c) (v) Statement [PDF 2.15mb]
SD009a Appendix B: Summary of Representations (Presented in Plan Order) Together with the Council's Response [PDF 3.09MB]
SD009b Appendix C: Summary of Representations (Presented in Respondent Order) [PDF 2.38MB]
SD010 Copies of Representations received to the Publication Local Plan Part 2 [PDF 2.95MB]
Copies of the Representations received to the Publication Local Plan Part 2 are available on request from the planning strategy team (
SD011 Consultation Statement [PDF 4.98MB]
SD012 Statement of Community Involvement [PDF 0.63MB]
SD013 Local Development Scheme [PDF 1.17MB]*
Duty to co-operate
DC001 Statement of Common Ground [PDF 1.24MB]
Evidence base
EB001 Authority Monitoring Report 2019-2020 [PDF 1.18MB]
EB002 Blackpool Local Plan Part 2 Viability Assessment [6.35MB]
EB003 Housing Topic Paper [PDF 11.67MB]
EB004 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (2019 Update) [PDF 4.24MB]
EB005 Five Year Supply Paper 2021-2026 [PDF 1.36MB]
EB006 Housing Monitoring Report 2020-2021 [PDF 1.58MB]
EB007 Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Topic Paper [PDF 0.62MB]
EB008 Fylde Coast GTAA Final Report [PDF 0.96MB]
EB009 Managing the Location of Hot Food Takeaways Topic Paper [PDF 1.27MB]
EB010 Betting Shops, Adult Gaming Centres and Pawnbrokers Topic Paper [PDF 1.72MB]
EB011 Green Infrastructure Topic Paper [PDF 1.47MB]
EB012 Space Standards and Accessible Homes Topic Paper [PDF 0.76MB]
EB013 Employment Land Update [PDF 2.37MB]
EB014 Retail Topic Paper - Future Capacity [PDF 0.43MB]
EB015 Potential Foodstore Allocation - Assessment of Impact on Blackpool Town Centre [PDF 3.91MB]
EB016 Local Centres Assessment (April 2019) [PDF 2.81MB]
EB017 Blackpool Retail, Leisure and Hotel Study Final Report [PDF 1.92MB]
EB017a Appendices to the Blackpool Retail, Leisure and Hotel Study [PDF 15.51MB]
EB018 Blackpool Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Update [PDF 3.03MB]
EB018a SFRA Update Appendices
The Appendices to the SFRA are available on request from the planning strategy team (
EB019 Blackpool Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy (2019 - 2029) PDF [21.8MB]
EB020 Blackpool's Green and Blue Infrastructure Action Plan (2019 - 2029) [PDF 0.55MB]
EB021 Local Greenbelt Review Assessment (November 2019) [PDF 1.7MB]
EB022 Blackpool Open Space Assessment (November 2019) [PDF 12.85MB]
EB023 Blackpool Nature and Conservation Statement [PDF 5.72MB]
EB024 Blackpool Playing Pitch Strategy and Action Plan Update (April 2021) [PDF 1.40MB]
EB025 Blackpool PPS Updated Assessment Report (as at July 2019) [PDF 1.28MB]
EB026 Indoor Sports Facilities Review [PDF 1.03MB]
EB027 Local Transport Plan (Implementation Plan 2018 to 2021) [PDF 0.29MB]
EB028 Built Heritage Strategy for Blackpool - Consultation Draft [PDF 3.19MB]
EB029 Blackpool Heritage Characterisation Studies [PDF 47.35MB]
EB030 Blackpool Climate Change and Renewable Energy Study [PDF 13.0MB]
EB031 Lancashire Sustainable Energy Study: Blackpool Renewable Energy Potential (April 2011) [PDF 0.77MB]
EB032 Fylde Peninsular SUDS Study (Atkins 2013) [PDF 1.46MB]
EB033 Blackpool Surface Water Management Plan - Modelling Report [PDF 36.0MB]
EB034 Blackpool Surface Water Management Plan - Risk Assessment [PDF 12.2MB]
EB035 Blackpool Surface Water Management Plan - Assessment of Options [PDF 7.27MB]
Additional Documents
AD001 Blackpool Local Plan Part 2: Proposed Site Allocations and Development Management Policies - Informal Consultation (Jan 2019) [PDF 5.37MB]
AD001a Appendices [PDF 8.85MB]
AD002 Blackpool Local Plan Part 2 - Regulation 18 Scoping Document (June 2017) [PDF 0.86MB]
AD003 SA Scoping Reports (January 2017) [PDF 2.58MB]
AD004 Blackpool Local Plan part 1: Core Strategy - Adopted 2016 [PDF 135.3MB]
AD005 Core Strategy Policies Maps [PDF 13.58MB]
AD006 Blackpool Local Plan 2001-2016 Adopted June 2006 [PDF 1.77MB]
AD007 Proposals Map Adopted June 2006 [PDF 7.45MB]
AD008 Minerals and Waste Local Plan
AD009 Holiday Accommodation Supplementary Planning Document [PDF 15.96MB]
AD010 New Homes from Old Places Supplementary Planning Document [PDF 1.41MB]
AD011 Leisure Quarter Development Brief Supplementary Planning Document [PDF 18.16MB]
AD012 Talbot Gateway Development Brief [PDF 4.36MB]
AD013 Blackpool Town Centre Strategy [PDF 7.0MB]
* This document has been produced by a third party and does not meet our accessibility requirements. We are working on producing this in the correct format and hope to have it available in due course.
Evidence gathering and preparation of the Local Plan Part 2 began in 2017.
If you would like further information on the local plan, please either email the Planning Policy Team at or call 01253 476239.