Signage supplementary planning document
This document will provide greater clarity for businesses and developers on what kinds of signage are acceptable and where they may be used.
It outlines the council approach in applying national legislation to local environments and sets out a balanced approach of the need for businesses to advertise with the preservation of local visual amenity and fair and equitable decision making.
Signage is important in Blackpool where many businesses compete for visibility in increasingly commercial environments in the town centre and our smaller urban centres.
However, it is also important that in the system for determining advertisement consent and relevant areas where planning permission is required all cases are assessed fairly and using the same standards and guidance.
This document does not seek to reverse works authorised previously (under less detailed guidance), but where illegal works (advertisement consent is classified as express consent and not making the proper application is a criminal offence) are carried out, this guidance will apply in agreeing replacement advertisements or signage.