The town centre strategy was adopted by Blackpool Council on 28 March 2013.
Blackpool town centre is vital to the successful regeneration of the resort and the economic prosperity of the Fylde Coast. If we are to successfully position the town centre as as the first choice shopping destination for Fylde Coast residents and an attractive place to visit and do business, it needs to carve out a high quality retail offer and combine this with a wider positive leisure, cultural and social experience during the day and into the evening.
The town centre strategy will aim to provide a clear direction to deliver positive change, improve business confidence and encourage quality investment from private and public sectors. It will help inform future decision making and co-ordinate town centre activities to achieve complementary improvements. It will also assist with town centre promotion and marketing and encourage the development of partnerships which will be essential if we are to successfully collaborate on implementing the Strategy.
The strategy outlines a long term vision for the town centre, supported by 6 key objectives, and identifies short-term priorities to address key issues and capitalise on opportunities available. These priorities have been developed into a five-year action plan, which is a working document to be monitored and updated on a regular basis by the town centre steering group.
The strategy is informed by comments received in response to a consultation exercise in 2010, by various town centre steering Group meetings and workshops, and by discussions with relevant officers and stakeholders.
The town centre strategy is a non-statutory document that does not form part of the council's planning policy framework. It does, however, align with the council's plans and strategies for the town centre including the emerging core strategy.