Project Search is an international work placement programme for students and young people with learning difficulties.
Applications and referrals are open to students who meet the following criteria:
- If you are 16 – 24 years old
- Do you have the appropriate skills for the host business (confidentiality, customer care and communication)
- Do you have the ability to take direction and change behaviour
- Are you willing to access public transport
- You do not have to meet higher level academic requirements to apply.
Most of all you need the desire to work!
Benefits to the students:
- Participate in a variety of internships within the council and our partners
- Acquire competitive, transferable and marketable job skills
- Gain increased independence, confidence, and self esteem
- Obtain work based coaching, instruction and feedback
Since its creation in 1997 it has launched 24 Project search sites within the UK alone.
This is the first of its kind in Blackpool, and Blackpool Council has committed to running this partnership programme beyond 2014!
Joining project search
If you are a young person interested in joining project search In the future then speak to us on 01253 477878 or email
If you are a tutor or carer who thinks they know someone who would be suitable for the programme please speak to any of the contacts below!
Do you need more information on Project Search? Email