Updated 21 November 2018
Plans and Strategies
The plans identified by an asterix (*) are the plans/ strategies that are required by law to form part of the policy framework.
1. Plan and strategies which require approval by Council:
- Council Plan
- Child Poverty Framework*
- Health and Wellbeing Strategy*
- Community Safety Plan*
- Blackpool Local Plan Part One: Core Strategy *
- Local Transport Plan*
- Statement of Licensing Policy*
- Statement of Policy and Principles under the Gambling Act*
- Children and Young People's Plan
- Destination Management Plan
- Fylde Coast Growth Accelerator Strategy
2. Plan and strategies which require approval by the Executive:
- Homelessness Prevention Strategy*
- Fylde Coast Tenancy Strategy*
- Lancashire and Blackpool Flood Risk Management Strategy*
- Local Transport Programme*
- Road Asset Management Strategy*
- Looked After Children Strategy
- Children and Adults Commissioning Strategy
- Youth Justice Plan*
- School Organisation Plan
- Housing Related Support Commissioning Strategy
- Town Centre Strategy
- Built Heritage Strategy
- Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy
- Statement of Licensing Policy for Sex Establishments
3. Plan and strategies which require approval by the Health and Wellbeing Board:
- Children and Young People's Emotional Health and Wellbeing Transformation Plan*
- Alcohol Strategy
- Blackpool Tobacco Control Strategy
- Drug Prevention Strategy
- Healthy Weight Strategy
- Mental Health Action Plan
- Sexual Health Strategy