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Corporate fraud data

A culture of transparency and scrutiny increases democratic accountability and helps strengthen counter fraud controls. The tables below provide fraud related information for the financial year April 2023 to March 2024, in accordance with the local government transparency code. 


Employees undertaking fraud investigations in 2022/2023
 Total number of full time employees undertaking investigations and prosecutions of fraudTotal number of professionally accredited counter fraud specialists Minimum qualification held 
 3  3 Accredited counter fraud specialist

It should be noted that Blackpool Council also employs a corporate investigations officer to undertake impartial internal disciplinary and grievance investigations. Dependant on workload, this officer may contribute to the undertaking of proactive fraud work.

The corporate fraud and investigations team is managed by the head of audit and risk.


Spending on fraud investigations in 2022/2023
 Description Amount
 Total amount spent on the investigation and prosecution of fraud and error  £180,795

Fraud and error statistics

Cases investigated in 2022/2023 and their value
Cases brought forward from 2022/2023Referrals received in 2023/2024Cases closed as fraud provenCases closed as error Cases closed as no fraud or error identified Value of fraud and error identified Cases carried forward to 2024/2025 
 49  38576  11  691  4126  £315,890.47  33,797


It should be noted that powers under the Prevention of Social Housing Fraud (Power to Require Information) Regulations 2014 have not been used, as this is the responsibility of Blackpool Coastal Housing.