Type of record | Description of record and examples | Storage media | Retention and disposal | Legislation or regulations |
Internal Audit Reports
Copies of final internal audit reports (Council and traded services) and copies of internal audit advice notes and consultancy output.
6 years plus current year.
Secure disposal.
Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015
Internal Audit Control Evaluations
Copies of internal audit control evaluations.
6 years plus current year.
Secure disposal.
Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015
Internal Audit Working Papers
Internal audit working papers for Council and traded services.
3 years plus current year.
Secure disposal.
Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015
Audit Working Papers
IDEA output files.
6 months.
Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015
Audit Planning
Internal audit plans (Council and traded services).
6 years plus current year.
Secure disposal.
Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015
Hate Crime Reports
Reports of hate crime held by equality and diversity.
7 years after disclosure.
Secure disposal.
Crime and Disorder Act 1998
Corporate Fraud - Proven Cases
Records from proven fraud cases and supporting evidence (including disciplinary cases).
6 years plus current year.
Secure disposal.
Fraud Act 2006/Council Tax Reduction Scheme (Detection of Fraud and Enforcement) (England) Regulations 2013
Corporate Fraud - Unproven Cases
Records from unproven fraud cases and supporting evidence.
1 year plus current year.
Secure disposal.
Fraud Act 2006/Council Tax Reduction Scheme (Detection of Fraud and Enforcement) (England) Regulations 2013
National Fraud Initiative
Records of exercises undertaken for the National Fraud Initiative.
Cabinet Office NFI website.
One exercise plus current exercise.
Fraud Act 2006
Corporate Fraud Requests
Specific data protection requests for information (in and out) for Fraud matters only.
Proven - 6 years plus current year.
Unproven - 1 year plus current year.
Secure disposal.
Fraud Act 2006
Corporate Fraud Output
Output from proactive fraud work.
6 years plus current year.
Secure disposal.
Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015
Risk Registers
Copies of Council's risk registers.
Until superseded.
Local Government Act 1972
Risk Management Groups
Minutes of risk management groups and supporting paperwork.
3 years plus current year.
Secure disposal.
Local Government Act 1972
Risk Management Framework
Copy of the risk management framework and toolkit.
Until Superseded.
Local Government Act 1972
Multi Agency Risk Audits
Copies of multi-agency risk audits undertaken.
10 years plus current.
Secure disposal.
Local Government Act 1972
Insurance Policies
N.B. Note Caveats Below in Relation to EL and Health Policies.
Current and former insurance policies.
6 years plus current year.
Secure disposal
Policy numbers and insurer kept permanently.
Insurance Act 2015
Insurance Schedule
Annual insurance schedule.
6 years plus current.
Insurance Act 2015
Insurance Claims
Details (and copies) of claims and related correspondence.
Until claims under the policy are barred or three years after the policy lapses whichever is longer.
Secure disposal.
Insurance Act 2015
Insurance Indemnities and Guarantees
Details of indemnities and guarantees.
6 years plus current year.
Insurance Act 2015
Group Health Policies
Copies of the group health policies held.
12 years after cessation of benefit.
Insurance Act 2015
Employers Liability
Copy of the employer's liability insurance certificate.
Minimum 40 years.
Employers Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Regulations 1998
Claims History
Records relating to claims history.
15 years plus current year.
Secure disposal.
Insurance Act 2015
Business Continuity Plans
Copies of business continuity plans for services/Council. May contain staff contact details.
Until superseded.
Secure disposal.
Civil Contingences Act 2004
Business Continuity Framework
Copy of the business continuity framework and toolkit.
Until superseded.
Civil Contingences Act 2004
Major Emergency Plan
Copy of the major emergency plan and thematic plans.
Electronic and paper.
10 years.
Secure disposal.
Civil Contingences Act 2004
Major Emergency Plan Contacts
Contact details for key personnel for major emergency plan.
Electronic and paper.
Until superseded.
Secure disposal.
Civil Contingences Act 2004
Emergency Planning Test
Process of recording the results of the test for emergency/disaster plan for the local community.
10 years.
Secure disposal.
Civil Contingences Act 2004
Major Incident Records
Records and activities that report on all major incidents in the local community, whether the major emergency plan or other associated plan has been invoked or not.
Electronic and paper.
Personal data removed after 7 years unless connected to an ongoing legal procedure.
Civil Contingences Act 2004
Minor Incident Records
Records and activities that report on all minor incidents in the community.
Electronic and paper.
7 years.
Secure disposal.
Civil Contingences Act 2004
Incident Debriefs
Documented outcomes of incident debriefs or other formal proceedings whether single or multi-agency.
Personal data removed after 7 years unless connected to an ongoing legal procedure.
Civil Contingences Act 2004
Health and Safety - Equipment
Equipment assessment and inspection Records.
Electronic and paper.
6 years from destruction of equipment.
Destroyed or deleted.
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Health and Safety Process
Process monitoring including copies of monitoring results, inspection records and maintenance records.
Electronic and paper.
3 years from last action.
Destroyed or deleted.
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Asbestos - Employees
Process monitoring in areas where employees likely to come in contact with asbestos. Includes health surveillance records.
Electronic and paper.
40 years from last action or at age 75 years whichever is the greater.
Secure disposal.
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Health and Safety Risk Assessments
Copies of risk assessments that identify the level of risk.
Electronic and paper.
3 years after assessment is superseded.
Secure disposal.
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Permits to Work
Completed permits to work. May contain personal details.
Electronic and paper.
3 years from last assessment.
Secure disposal.
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Injury to Adults
Records of injury to adults and accident reports.
Electronic and paper.
3 years after date of accident.
Secure disposal.
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations 2013;
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Accident/Incident Forms - Childrens
Copies of accident/incident report forms containing details of accident, names, contact details, details of injury etc.
Electronic and paper.
Minimum 3 years after date of last entry (unless the person is under 18 when the form has to be kept until they reach 21).
Secure disposal.
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations 2013;
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Accident/Incident Forms - Employees
Copies of accident/incident report forms for employees containing details of accident, names, contact details, details of injury etc.
Electronic and paper.
Minimum 3 years after date of last entry (unless the person is under 18 when the form has to be kept until they reach 21).
Secure disposal.
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations 2013
Asbestos Records
Asbestos records and copies of surveys.
40 years.
Secure disposal.
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2012, Asbestos Regulations
Legionella Records
Legionella records.
5 years.
Secure disposal
See also asset management retention periods.
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2012;
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
COSHH Records
COSHH records.
Electronic and paper.
40 years.
Secure disposal.
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002
Health and Safety Training
Records of training (health and safety).
First aid; fire warden; paper handling; COSHH; fire risk assessment; work at height risk assessment etc.
Electronic and paper.
Until no longer employed then in line with HR Retention periods.
Secure disposal.
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Workstation Assessments
Service area workstation assessment forms including names.
Electronic and paper.
Until superseded.
Destroyed or deleted.
Display Screen Equipment Regulations 1992
Health and Safety Audits - Schools
Copies of health and safety audits: school management.
Electronic and paper.
4 years.
Secure disposal.
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Health and Safety Audits - Fire
Copies of health and safety audits: fire.
Electronic and paper.
4 years.
Secure disposal.
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Corporate Warning Register
Copy of the corporate warning register that contains names, addresses, details of reason for warning.
6 months to six years (depending upon category).
Secure disposal.
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974;
Crime and Disorder Act 1998