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Communication offer for parents - secondary

All children and young people are entitled to

  • Accessing ICAN language development charts to identify need via Speech and Language UK
  • Access to knowledgeable practitioners aware of their role in supporting speech, language and communication development and working together in partnership
  • Access to training videos for supporting your child's communication via the Blackpool Graduated Approach Toolkit, Communicate CIC training videos Communicate/ Community Hub
  • Access to key messages promoting positive interaction from health and education settings
  • Access to a GP
  • Information about websites promoting the development of Speech, Language and Communication  such as:
  • NHS telephone advice service short appointments

Some children and  young people may need

  • Access to an NHS speech and language therapist (SALT) who will give you advice about how to help your child via a telephone advice service
  • Access to an identified member of staff to discuss concerns and seek advice around your child's speech, language and communication needs
  • Support from practitioners by sharing targets and interventions to work on common, well communicated goals

A few children and young people may need

  • Access to a NHS speech and language therapist who can assess, provide advice and guidance and, where appropriate, intervention to your child
  • Programme from speech and language therapist, with a designated member of staff to carry over strategies
  • Access to further information on alternative, augmentative communication through ACE Centre
  • Access to diagnostic pathways